Produkt zum Begriff Player Psychology:
Explore all the key fields of Psychology in one essential textbookPsychology is the internationally best-selling introduction to one of the world's most exciting sciences. This invaluable, accessible text covers every major branch in the field and will help you discover and engage with classic and contemporary topics, theories and applications.The 7th edition has been extensively revised and updated with over 1,000 new references, a major new section on replication in psychology and a new interview feature offering insights into the work of 14 leading researchers and practitioners.Richly illustrated throughout with examples from across the globe, each chapter is packed with a range of features, connecting the diverse strands of the subject and bringing it to life. These include:An Interview with: an exciting new feature for the 7th edition, providing a fascinating insight into the life and work of researchers and practitioners working in a broad range of roles and fields including clinical, health and educational psychologySpotlight on: 56 recent studies highlighting significant or unusual research from across the field, such as whether using a laptop to take notes in lectures is effective, the limits of neuroimaging, mate choice and eye colour, using Twitter language to predict the risk of heart disease and how do you get people to eat insects?Controversies in Psychological Science: encouraging you to question and reflect upon the complex nature of topics within the field, promoting critical thinking and debate on questions such as: Can you tell a liar from a truth-teller? Are there universally attractive body types? Do learning styles exist? Is fMRI research reliable? Do Davids and Denices die sooner? Can personality predict health? Is there a gene for depression?Psychology in Action: highlighting the link between theory and application, considering a range of real-world examples, such as the use of face-recognition technology; jury decision-making; understanding bullying; how terrorists are made; how people react during emergencies; maintaining weight loss; how to protect yourself against fake news and the advantages of swearing.International Perspectives: providing a comparative global perspective on topics such as psychological responses to COVID-19, conspiracies, attraction, the perception of scents, face processing, exercise and healthy eating, age of onset of mental disorder and many others.
Preis: 47.07 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Brilliant Psychology
Understand more about the mind and how it works with Brilliant Psychology. Bringing this complex area to life, it covers everything you need to know on how we perceive the world, our relationships with others, why psychological problems occur and the key to being happy. Covering the fundamental aspects of the human mind together with an introduction to the important figures and theories, it’s highly practical with an emphasis on how psychology relates to our lives.
Preis: 12.83 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Work Psychology
For undergraduate students in business, management and psychology, as well as those studying for professional qualifications. Gain a clear and authoritative introduction to human behaviour in the workplace Work Psychology: Understanding Human Behaviour in the Workplace, 7th edition, by Arnold, Coyne, Randall and Pattterson is an accessible and fascinating examination of human behaviour in today’s workplace, written by authors who are all experts in their fields. Substantially updated with new chapters from new authors, and new material that reflects current research and debate in the area, the text retains its popular blend of theory, research and engaging examples. Pearson, the world’s learning company.
Preis: 72.65 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Social Psychology
Gain a broad yet thorough understanding of Social Psychology, exploring both classic and contemporary theories, concepts and research. Social Psychology, 9th Edition by Michael Hogg and Graham Vaughan is a trusted, market-leading text that offers the most comprehensive coverage of Social Psychology in the market, and is an essential learning resource whether you are studying, teaching, or researching this fascinating subject. The current edition provides in-depth scientific coverage of social psychological theory and research, bringing classic theories to life. It places social psychology in a contemporary, real-world context, taking a unique global approach by combining the UK, European, and North American perspectives, and explores new, cutting-edge research findings, reflecting recent advances in the field. Key features: Thoroughly updated to reflect important advances in the field, including extensive discussion and reference to COVID-19, populism, global warming, and the climate crisis. New material describing the 2010s reproducibility and replication crisis in social psychology, and the Open Science Movement. A wealth of in-chapter features including research highlights sections focusing on 'Your Life', broader global issues in 'Our World', and sections on literature, film, and TV, help you gain a deeper and applied understanding of concepts and issues. The rich illustrations with photos and diagrams bring social psychology to life. Highly visual and rich in interesting examples and innovative learning features, the book's lively and engaging content encourages you to apply concepts and understand social issues from a wider perspective.
Preis: 47.07 € | Versand*: 0 €
Social psychology oder Sozialpsychologie?
Beide Begriffe beziehen sich auf das gleiche Fachgebiet, nämlich die wissenschaftliche Untersuchung des Einflusses sozialer Prozesse auf das Verhalten und Erleben von Menschen. "Social psychology" ist die englische Bezeichnung, während "Sozialpsychologie" die deutsche Bezeichnung ist.
Kann man den Master of Psychology in Australien studieren?
Ja, man kann den Master of Psychology in Australien studieren. Es gibt verschiedene Universitäten, die diesen Studiengang anbieten. Es ist jedoch wichtig zu beachten, dass für die Zulassung zum Master of Psychology in Australien bestimmte Voraussetzungen erfüllt sein müssen, wie zum Beispiel ein abgeschlossenes Bachelorstudium in Psychologie.
Ist VMware Player kostenlos?
Ja, VMware Player ist kostenlos für den persönlichen Gebrauch. Es ermöglicht Benutzern, virtuelle Maschinen auf ihren Computern auszuführen, um verschiedene Betriebssysteme zu testen oder Anwendungen in isolierten Umgebungen zu testen. Es ist eine großartige Option für Benutzer, die keine erweiterten Funktionen benötigen, die in kostenpflichtigen VMware-Produkten wie VMware Workstation enthalten sind. VMware Player bietet dennoch eine benutzerfreundliche Oberfläche und eine gute Leistung für grundlegende Virtualisierungsaufgaben. Wenn Sie jedoch erweiterte Funktionen wie Snapshot-Unterstützung oder die Möglichkeit, virtuelle Maschinen zu erstellen, benötigen, sollten Sie möglicherweise auf eine kostenpflichtige Version von VMware umsteigen.
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Ist Musik Player kostenlos? Das hängt von der jeweiligen App oder Software ab, die du verwendest. Es gibt viele Musik-Player, die kostenlos heruntergeladen und genutzt werden können, aber oft bieten kostenpflichtige Versionen zusätzliche Funktionen oder werbefreie Erlebnisse. Es ist wichtig, die Nutzungsbedingungen und Kosten der jeweiligen Musik-Player zu überprüfen, bevor du sie herunterlädst. Einige Musik-Player können auch kostenpflichtige Abonnements für den Zugriff auf erweiterte Funktionen oder Musikbibliotheken erfordern.
Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Player Psychology:
Occupational Psychology
Occupational Psychology: An Applied Approach introduces you to the essential key theories in this area, from motivation and well-being to group roles and individual differences. The book explores the impact of every topic from the perspective of the individual, management, and the organisation as a whole, encouraging you to consider the consultancy process at each stage.
Preis: 70.19 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Cognitive Psychology
Cognitive Psychology is well-written, humorous, and remains the most comprehensive and balanced text in the area of undergraduate cognition. MacLin and MacLin, inheriting the textbook from the late Robert L. Solso, boldly revised and reorganised the 8th Edition to reflect emerging trends in the field, while retaining the strengths that made it one of the most popular texts among students and professors. The text features a sequential model of human cognition from sensation to perception, to attention, to memory, to higher-order cognition, and features new cutting-edge coverage of consciousness, cognitive neuroscience, memory and forgetting, and evolutionary psychology. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.
Preis: 47.07 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Health Psychology
If you are a student of medicine, nursing, health, and social care, then this revised edition is an invaluable learning resource for you. Introduction to Health Psychology, 5th edition, is a must-read, widely praised textbook that provides the learning resources you need from theory and research to real-world examples, helping you develop a better understanding and critical thinking on the issues explored. This revision provides a comprehensive guide on essential topics surrounding health, retaining its popular original structure of three multi-chaptered sections: 'Being and Staying Healthy', 'Becoming Ill', and 'Being Ill'. It also includes the useful final section, 'From Theory to Practice', which studies the need for theory-driven practice applications, making the most of the evidence available to support their study. The edition offers you an insightful overview of a range of topics on health behaviour, from health-risk to health-protective habits, before exploring applications and healthcare intervention practices. It also discusses biological and psychobiological models and theories and the impact of stress on health, illness, and its progression, with extensive references to healthy diet and exercise. The text also considers the role of key epidemiological updates and global health issues, cultural influences on health and health behaviour, and issues about health differentials, as seen in the illness experience. Each chapter opens with a current real-world example and places the topic into context by introducing the outline and learning outcomes. Along with the increased use of case studies, its useful Glossary and a list of Further Readings, the content will offer food for individual reflection and group discussion, helping you fully engage with this applied area of psychologyan approach praised by lecturers and students alike!
Preis: 47.07 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Explore all the key fields of Psychology in one essential textbookPsychology is the internationally best-selling introduction to one of the world's most exciting sciences. This invaluable, accessible text covers every major branch in the field and will help you discover and engage with classic and contemporary topics, theories and applications.The 7th edition has been extensively revised and updated with over 1,000 new references, a major new section on replication in psychology and a new interview feature offering insights into the work of 14 leading researchers and practitioners.Richly illustrated throughout with examples from across the globe, each chapter is packed with a range of features, connecting the diverse strands of the subject and bringing it to life. These include:An Interview with: an exciting new feature for the 7th edition, providing a fascinating insight into the life and work of researchers and practitioners working in a broad range of roles and fields including clinical, health and educational psychologySpotlight on: 56 recent studies highlighting significant or unusual research from across the field, such as whether using a laptop to take notes in lectures is effective, the limits of neuroimaging, mate choice and eye colour, using Twitter language to predict the risk of heart disease and how do you get people to eat insects?Controversies in Psychological Science: encouraging you to question and reflect upon the complex nature of topics within the field, promoting critical thinking and debate on questions such as: Can you tell a liar from a truth-teller? Are there universally attractive body types? Do learning styles exist? Is fMRI research reliable? Do Davids and Denices die sooner? Can personality predict health? Is there a gene for depression?Psychology in Action: highlighting the link between theory and application, considering a range of real-world examples, such as the use of face-recognition technology; jury decision-making; understanding bullying; how terrorists are made; how people react during emergencies; maintaining weight loss; how to protect yourself against fake news and the advantages of swearing.International Perspectives: providing a comparative global perspective on topics such as psychological responses to COVID-19, conspiracies, attraction, the perception of scents, face processing, exercise and healthy eating, age of onset of mental disorder and many others.
Preis: 69.02 € | Versand*: 0 €
Ist der Flash Player kostenlos?
Ja, der Flash Player ist kostenlos. Adobe bietet den Flash Player kostenlos zum Download auf ihrer Website an. Es gibt keine Kosten für die Installation oder Nutzung des Flash Players auf Ihrem Gerät. Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass Adobe den Support für den Flash Player eingestellt hat und empfiehlt, auf alternative Technologien umzusteigen. Trotzdem bleibt der Flash Player kostenlos verfügbar, solange er noch unterstützt wird.
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Der Eurosport Player ist nicht kostenlos. Um Zugriff auf das Angebot von Eurosport zu erhalten, müssen Nutzer ein Abonnement abschließen. Es gibt verschiedene Abonnementoptionen, je nachdem, ob man monatlich oder jährlich zahlen möchte. Mit einem Abonnement können Nutzer Live-Sportevents, Highlights und exklusive Inhalte von Eurosport streamen. Es gibt jedoch gelegentlich Sonderaktionen oder kostenlose Testzeiträume, die es Nutzern ermöglichen, den Eurosport Player vor dem Abschluss eines Abonnements auszuprobieren. Es lohnt sich also, regelmäßig nach solchen Angeboten Ausschau zu halten.
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Ja, der VLC Media Player ist kostenlos. Er ist eine Open-Source-Software, was bedeutet, dass er frei verfügbar ist und von einer Community von Entwicklern ständig verbessert wird. Es gibt keine versteckten Kosten oder Abonnements, um den VLC Media Player zu nutzen. Man kann ihn einfach von der offiziellen Website herunterladen und auf verschiedenen Betriebssystemen installieren. Der VLC Media Player unterstützt eine Vielzahl von Audio- und Videoformaten und bietet eine Vielzahl von Funktionen, die ihn zu einem beliebten Mediaplayer machen.
Ist der Adobe Flash Player kostenlos?
Ja, der Adobe Flash Player ist kostenlos und kann von der offiziellen Adobe-Website heruntergeladen werden. Er ermöglicht es, multimediale Inhalte wie Videos, Animationen und interaktive Anwendungen im Webbrowser abzuspielen. Allerdings wird der Adobe Flash Player nicht mehr weiterentwickelt und ab 2021 nicht mehr unterstützt. Es wird empfohlen, auf alternative Technologien wie HTML5 umzusteigen, um sicherzustellen, dass Websites auch in Zukunft reibungslos funktionieren.
* Alle Preise verstehen sich inklusive der gesetzlichen Mehrwertsteuer und ggf. zuzüglich Versandkosten. Die Angebotsinformationen basieren auf den Angaben des jeweiligen Shops und werden über automatisierte Prozesse aktualisiert. Eine Aktualisierung in Echtzeit findet nicht statt, so dass es im Einzelfall zu Abweichungen kommen kann.